(Select) Known Bugs

Oh there are many:

  • I have not done well with PUN, it's often as janky as hell for the remote player.
  • Cue ball in hand (when sinking the white) allows you to push other balls around with no penalty. 
  • Cue ball in hand for the remote player doesn't work correctly at all.
  • Lots of graphical remnants from how I lazily stitched together art from Arcade Pool II.
  • Balls "stick" to the cushions -- makes shots along the cushion much easier ;)
  • Centre pockets are a little wide.
  • You can't observe the other player's aim, just the result of their shot (which makes the game pretty boring when it's not your turn).

Also, I didn't do all of the pool rules correctly:

  • For the break, cue ball in hand in the baulk area (the "kitchen" according to wiki), just gives you cue ball in hall for the whole table.
  • Missing all balls isn't penalised -- play just continues onto the next player (instead of being cue ball in hand).
  • 14.1 is a "call-pocket" game (i.e. you have to nominate which pocket you are going to sink a ball in on every shot). This version isn't.
  • The mid-game re-racks aren't laid out properly. The head ball should always be missing, but instead, whatever position the remaining ball on the table had for the first break is empty.
  • The mid-game re-racks don't handle any special cases (e.g. the white ball being "inside" the triangle), so weird things can happen ;)

That'll do. There's lots more problems ;)

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