Choose a difficulty level on the title screen.

In-game, click on the action icons on the bottom of the screen to make the avatar perform the specified action. 

Reach the goal portal to complete the level.

Use 1-9 + 0 keys to auto-switch between levels:

  1. Basics
  2. Deadly Walls
  3. Bouncy Platform
  4. Moving Deadly Walls
  5. Invisible Walls
  6. Moon Gravity
  7. Scrolling
  8. Homing Enemies
  9. Free Choice (not implemented in this demo)
  10. Free Choice (not implemented in this demo)

Press R to reload the level (without the cost of any lives -- this is for debugging).

Press ESC to return to the main menu.

SFX/Music from 

GFX originally sourced from (some edited/adpated):


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level 9 and 10 would have to be my favourites: they offer a nice challenge :P

Lol. Exam spec was to make your own original concept for those :P